Indian Society of Calgary

(587) 966-4896

COVID19 Vaccine Advocacy

The Indian Society of Calgary, a non-profit organization in Canada, launched a 3-month program to combat COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy within the South Asian community in Calgary and pan Canada. The program aimed to provide education and resources to help individuals make informed decisions about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

The program consisted of several initiatives, including virtual town hall meetings, webinars, and Q&A sessions with healthcare professionals. These events provide an opportunity for individuals to ask questions and receive accurate information about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.

The society also partnered with local healthcare providers to offer vaccine clinics and support for those who have questions or concerns about the vaccines. The Program was inaugurated on the Canada Day, July 1 st , 2021. The event was attended by several public figures including the then Premier of Alberta Hon. Jason Kenny, several Members of the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet Ministers in the Govt of Alberta including Hon. Prasad Panda, Hon Jasraj Hallan, Hon. Rajan Sawhney, Hon Leela Aheer, and several City Councillors from the City of Calgary including Hon George Chahal. Several community members who had experienced COVID-19 and were treated for the same also shared their lived experiences of this horrific disease and advised members to get their complete dose of the vaccine.

In addition to these events, the Indian Society of Calgary launched a social media campaign to spread awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19. The campaign included videos and posts featuring community leaders and healthcare professionals discussing the benefits of the vaccines and addressing common misconceptions and concerns.

The program was well-received by the Indian community in Calgary, with many individuals reporting that the events and resources provided helped them make an informed decision about getting vaccinated against COVID-19. The Indian Society of Calgary hopes that this program will help increase vaccine uptake within the community and ultimately contribute to the ongoing efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Canada.

Overall, the Indian Society of Calgary's COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy program served as an excellent example of how community organizations can work to combat vaccine hesitancy and promote public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

South Asian Diaspora Arise for a COVID Free Canada

A Campaign to reduce vaccine hesitancy and promote adherence to public health guidelines among South Asian Canadians

The following are campaign Social Media Accounts

About SADA COVID Free Canada

The campaign aims to reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, as well as increase adherence to the public health guidelines to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 among Canadian South Asians. The campaign is grounded in the Community Engagement Model. A series of videos raising awareness about the benefits of the vaccine uptake, countering misinformation about the vaccines and highlighting the significance of complying with the recommended public health measures will be created. Semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with community members will be conducted and videotaped. These will include interviews/digital stories of COVID19 survivors, testimonials from community members, encouraging messages from community and political leaders, as well as interviews with healthcare workers, medical scientists and physicians to help reduce vaccine hesitancy in the community. Community members/ campaign audience will be reached through the targeted social media marketing and through targeted Facebook community groups of Indians and South Asians living in Canada. Community leaders and influencers and local ethnic radio channels will be collaborated with to share the videos stories on their personal and official social media handle engagement on social media and the website. For questions and comments please contact us at

Campaign Summary

Campaign Teaser

Campaign Summary

Campaign Teaser

Four Domains of the Campaign

Example: Healthcare Professional Interview

Are there any long-term side effects or adverse effects of COVID19 vaccines?

Example: COVID-19 Survivors' Stories

A COVID19 survivor shares his traumatic experience

Example: Community Members' Interview

A community member shares her perspective on why vaccination is important for everyone

Example: Political Leaders' Message

Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Prasad Panda’s message to the community on the significance of getting vaccinated

Interviews with Doctors and Scientists

Are vaccines safe for people with underlying medical conditions?

Dr Rabia Jalil, Family Physician and Clinical Lecturer, University of Calgary explains

Is COVID-19 a scam? Dr. Supriya Sharma, Health Canada

Dr. Supriya Sharma, MD Chief Medical Advisor at Health Canada answers some of the common questions and doubts about the COVID19 vaccines

Long-term side effects of the vaccines

Are there any long-term side effects or adverse effects of COVID19 vaccines?

Can pregnant women receive COVID19 vaccines?

Dr. Jason Kundrachuk, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba explains

What is Coronavirus and how does affect us?

Dr Jason Kundrachuk, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba explains

I am vaccinated. Do I still need to wear a mask?

Dr Rabia Jalil, Family Physician and Clinical Lecturer, University of Calgary explains

To watch more of such informative videos please click the link below

Real-life Stories of COVID19 Survivors

Coming back from the mouth of Death

I was in the ICU for 25 days and came back to life from the mouth of death

Single father of three dauthers

I told my friends to take care of my daughters if I did not come back from the hospital alive

Coming back from the mouth of death #Bengali

I came back from the mouth of death and that was just because of COVID

Get your vaccine for yourself and your loved ones

I spent five weeks in the ICU

A COVID19 survivor's advise to people

After spending 3 days in a hospital and 15 days in quarantine, a COVID19 survivor advises everyone to get their vaccines

Example: Political Leader's Message

Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Prasad Panda’s message to the community on the significance of getting vaccinated

To watch more of such informative videos please click the link below

Community Members Advocate for COVID-19 vaccination

Preference for Vaccine type

Did you have any preference for a particular type of COVID19 vaccine?

Side effects of COVID vaccine

How do you feel after getting your COVID vaccine? Were there any side effects?

Why should I get the vaccine?

I got my Covid 19 vaccine shot and I feel more safe and protected

COVID vaccines: our best bet

Vaccination is the only way out of this pandemic.

Cancer survivor: I did not experience any side effects

My Mum is on a visitors visa and is also a cancer survivor. She has received both doses of the vaccine and has not experienced any side effects whatsoever.

Vaccines: Our only hope for COVID19-free world

Vaccines are safe and clinically approved. If you are nervous, which is totally normal there are tons of resources you can refer

To watch more of such informative videos please click the link below

Community Leaders and politicians advocate for COVID19 vaccination

To watch more of such informative videos please click the link below

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